Startups Greensboro
We know that one of the primary concerns for anyone with an idea is how to fund the project. If you are not already independently wealthy, how do you find money to get started? There is a practical side to this question – and a legal side.
When money comes from individuals, security laws can come into play. You may have heard the term “crowd funding” – be advised, it does NOT mean you can just put something on your website and ask for money. You can’t just take money from anyone to invest in your small company! There are rules – lots of them. Crowdfunding is possible only in limited situations.

Commercial lending, including SBA (Small Business Administration) loans, is another source of capital, but bank documents are long and onerous and need an expert review. You must understand all of the demands that will be made of borrowers and guarantors before you sign. See the section on Commercial Loans here .
We also get lots of questions about “angel investors” and “venture capital.” Although there are mostly positive results from working with investor groups, you need to be informed of the pitfalls of turning some control over to outsiders.
We advise business owners on the best avenue for operating and expansion capital based on their particular business models.