Do You Need Help With A Personal Legal Matter?
Seeking an attorney for a challenging personal legal issue is not easy. When you work with Revolution Law, our approachable attorneys take the time to get to know you as a person, not just as a client. We have years of experience helping individuals throughout North Carolina in a variety of practice areas. Our team can provide you with the knowledgeable counsel that you need to make informed decisions about your legal affairs. From our office in Greensboro, we endeavor to form long-term relationships with our clients. We look forward to assisting you with the legal challenges that you may face throughout your life.
We can help manage your legal needs in a variety of areas, including:
- Representation before medical, dental and other professional boards
- Buying and selling a health care practice
- Complying with Anti-Kickback and Stark Laws and concierge practice regulations
- Estate planning, including wills, trusts, powers of attorney and more
- Estate administration and probate
- Employment law, including labor relations, wage and hour compliance, workplace discrimination, noncompete agreements and whistleblower retaliation
- Personal litigation needs

Health Care Professionals

Estate Administration and Probate

Personal Litigation

Estate Planning
Representation as Effective as It Is Efficient
Legal counsel does not have to be expensive to be effective. That is why we keep our services as affordable as possible. You have enough issues on your mind; the price of a lawyer shouldn’t be one of them.
Up-To-Date Communication, Whenever You Need It
Your case is one of your top concerns; it is ours, too. We will provide you with regular updates regarding the status of your case. You can contact our team with any questions and concerns that you have, and we will respond promptly.
Schedule an Appointment with Us
We look forward to working closely with you to understand your legal needs. Schedule an initial consultation by calling (336) 333-7907. You can also contact us online.